Sunday, November 28, 2010

A not so warm welcome

For everyone who accidentally encountered this web address or incidentally intended to read it, I'm warning you well in advance. The person writing this is no Harvard graduate, no philosopher or not even a daily wage earner. He/She is just someone who hasn't stepped into the plethora of activities this world has to offer. The language is naive and the ideas dilettante. I've some personal experiences to share which certainly mean a lot to me and so I thought that blogging is a means to make them public.
When people don't lend you their ears, machines certainly  do. Life's changed now and so have certain quotes."Machines are our best friends", I hope many of you would agree to it.
Anyway, let me get back to the point. I welcome you all here.

PS: "Rise in your own eyes to realize your dreams" That's why the blog is named so (I hope that ends your inquisitiveness).


  1. Rise To realize :)
    the blog's name itself is really nice!
    n so r the posts =)

    gr8 work aditi!
    gud luck ..
    happy blogging =)

  2. Just no comments.....
    No comments !
    AWESUM BLOG !!!!!!
