Sunday, June 17, 2012

Open your eyes...

It's been long since I've posted anything on this blog, not because I was addled what to write but because I was addled what not to write. Excess of everything is bad, the cliche stands true again. I'll write on everything in the most precise details, but you'll have to hold on. Too much of data leads to an overflow.

Life is one of the most complex plans, it's architect being god. It's given on lease, and you can do anything with it, as you please, when you please, how is please. (PS: i am not a promoter of fatalism). But as perennial  overlookers to life's best gift, we run a hare's chase, our ego being the forerunner, envy our fuel, and reputation being the ultimate destination . Lately, I have had many instances to substantiate the same. After being on a small getaway a midst the hills, these two little children transformed my outlook, and left me in profound introspection for the times to come.
These two children approached us selling berries, an exquisite fruit in the hills of Uttrakhand, cherished by humans and bears alike. Deciphering my words, they got those berries from deep within the woods, when you know a bear can come to you to snatch your life itself.  But when my eyes met theirs, I saw a gleam unmatchable, something never seen in our fast and furious lives. For a mere ten bucks, they took danger as an adventure, threat as a thrill and berries their profession. Deep within, they accepted simplicity as life. For them life isn't a top notch college, a highly paying job or an ever increasing bank balance. For them it's the thrill of going hunting together, getting some bucks for well, a satiated life above all. They teach us lessons even big spiritual gurus can't, which can't be parts of consecrated management or self improvement texts.
For them a couple of extra bucks means loads of happiness, for us these bucks mean a 'load', in the literal sense. For them holding hands means compassion, for us it's a gesture in meetings and conferences. For them running means adventure and thrill, for us it's anxiety.
The meaning of words and gestures is contrasting, within a distance of miles.
Just to sum up, There exists a life beyond a 9 to 5 job, a life beyond the limitless desires, a life beyond our wit's end. For whenever you say, "I wish", just think, there exists a life, deep inside the woods, where two children sell berries.  

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