Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tranquility trailing the Tempest

You may call it second birth or a week of suffering, reward or punishment, blessing or curse, normal or abnormal but yes,it changed the way i look at things and interpret life or perhaps I had a lot of time for introspection. When the sea is calm, quiet and placid for long, we start taking it for granted. I sensed that some turbulence was round the corner and was waiting for it to manifest. But what began as a series of small tides changed into a squall.The longing for rest and sleep changed into a necessity and the longing to be with my parents a compulsion. But yes, I learnt the biggest lesson(s) of my life.
No one loves you more than your parents-when you are in trouble, they are always the first to render you support and the first to wipe your tears. They love you whole heartedly and selflessly. It's just that we fail to realize this due to paucity of time. They leave no stone unturned just for your well being. You can never repay what they have done for you. Just keep them happy with a face free of frowns.After all they are messengers sent by god just for you. 
Nothing matters more than your health-Never ignore this gift given by god. It has the power to change your  life. Running after materialistic things, we fail to realize what we are missing on. Love yourself more than anyone or anything else. As far as you are okay, rest everything falls in place. Thank god for this asset and value it immensely.
Not everyone is your true friend. Some escalate the trouble, some alleviate it and some are not bothered. Everyone salutes the rising sun. You are immensely lucky if you have someone to give you ears when you need to speak. It's only when you are fading, you realize who's worthy of your support. 
Have a guru in life. He will guide you when you are lost. Just have faith in him. All pains and troubles will subside. And last but not the least, have immense faith in god. The belief that there is someone powerful who is ready to catch you when you fall makes you forget the trouble. Whatever he does is for your good in the long race of life.
Love yourself, love our life. Feel gratitude for what you have.You are very lucky indeed.