Sunday, December 25, 2011

An earnest longing

I sit in melancholy
Every life is a parody
All in life is a compunction
Life with all its commotion

It all begins with a fascination
unless we dive into saturation
All turns out be obligations
life with all its manifestations

We are preoccupied with responsibility
all we lack is alacrity
All is dull and bereaved
with a long list if what we achieved

We thing and muse to get bemused
with a list if facts all abstruse
Everything is empty and jejune
No time to dive in sun and moon

All we have time for are altercations
always ready for castigation
It feels so hard to vindicate
No path for thoughts to emanate

A list of wishes to satiate
Paucity of time to commiserate
All seems so ambiguous
leaving us so lugubrious

I wish I could bring back the time
When happiness didn't cost us a dime
When a warm  hug could wipe your tears
Your best buddies being teddy bears

When dreams had no limitation
Life lacked its sophistication
When all was easy to comprehend
When everyone was your friend

I wish the time flies back
and fill the life with all its cracks
Where melancholy is the thing of the past
And a smile that could forever last.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Man in the Mirror

It happens many a times when you are you are filled yet longing for ideas, when you are quiet yet longing for peace, when you are silent yet turbulent, when you aware yet ignorant. It's the time when you are struggling with the contrasting facets of yourself. It's when your heart and brain run asunder. It's when you learn what the heart conceals what thoughts reveal and what you would like to appeal. And all this when you have been through an ordeal. It's when you want this deluge to abate, that you ruminate. When you are at your least, that you agnise what you had, how valuable it was but more than the sense of decline, deprivation and diminution it's the provides a sense of direction for where to retrace, how to efface and what to embrace.

It's when you fall behind others, fall through your ambitions that you fall for consolation, there is an angel who can en-kindle, exalt and enliven you. This fellow knows all about you, has assured to accompany you for life. He can give to the tenacity to sustain and cast off your fears. He can hold your hand when in trouble, and is never busy to help you. He is the noble, the altruist, the magnanimous. He can fill all voids, diminish all desolation. He has persistently been with you, adamant when you try to avoid, obstinate when you try to overlook, willful when you wink at it and resolute when you reject it. He is an ally in every battle, a buddy in every jubilation, a well wisher in every endeavor, your counselor and your advocate.
For all those who want to meet this angel, that's all I have got to say

"When you feel that hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
You'll finally see the truth
that the angel lies in you
So when you are heavyhearted
all your hopes have departed
When all you long is cheer
he's the man you see in the mirror"

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Cursory Connection

It's a world of ephemeral relationships. It's a virtual world, where your reputation, your competence is commensurate to the intensity of likes on your facebook account, the length of your friend list, the mobile phone you possess and your popularity among peers.

Social Networking is a chiaroscuro of the good and the bad. It charms everyone in the beginning. The level of addiction is such that no day passes when you don't login. The people in your vicinity lose their importance. You have time to chat for hours in the virtual but not the real world. A few years ago, we used to meet people, spend time with them but not in front of our screens. It might have annealed the world the together, but it has created a dearth, a vacuum which no chat engine can fill, a vacuum that is palpable as time progresses. Wishing people on phone has been replaced by wishing them on their walls. You have time to enter the walls of your friends, your family, but no time to enter the four walls of their homes.

The meaning of the six letter word 'friend' has changed. Half the people in your so called 'friend' list are just your acquaintances, most of them you haven't even met. You click photographs, not to treasure them in your memories but to flaunt them among your peers. People in your life crave to see you giggle, but your walls are lucky enough to see your smile, your gusto. One develops transient relationships in this virtual world. These walls are fortunate to know 'What's on your mind?'. They share your happiness, your pains, your sorrows, every small occurrence in your life.

I am not against facebooking.There was a time it fascinated me. But the irony is that it has distanced but not connected me. But the fascination was evanescent as well. I would rather smile and giggle with people and spend time with them, and don't make the nagging excuse of  'I am busy'. I still long for those days when connecting with people didn't allude to online chats, didn't allude to facebook, didn't allude to social networking.
It's not that you'll miss something if you aren't a part of this rat race. Rather, you'll not be a rat.           

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friendship- Not a 'big' thing but a million little things

Friends are your greatest possession and I am blessed to have one. This blog post is earmarked to one such friend

Dear Sanju,
When I sit in retrospection reminiscing about my school days, there is a deluge of memories whenever I think about you. Many a times my eyes fill with tears and yet I beam and smile. That's how the beauty of our friendship is. Never knew how time ran and those five years seemed very sparse a time. Seemingly so different, we turned out to be the best of companions. Yeah, not only did we share the same desk, but we shared our moods interests, emotions, dreams and aspirations. I still remember the day before Diwali vacations when I filled with gloom because the teacher made us sit apart. Those endless discussions about Pokemon, Animax, the fanaticism to collect those Pokemon goodies, Harry Potter (not to forget Malfoy), and our very 'cynic' opinions about others were enough to keep us chattering and blabbering on phones for hours. We started knowing each other way too well, with the connection being termed 'telepathy' by DB (our very own nickname, who can forget your talent of giving these!) I can recall myself saying," Yaar, yeh kyon ladte hain? Hamari toh kabhi ladai nahi hui".  Years passed and I thoroughly relished every bit of it.

With my life's biggest achievement, came a big shock as well. You left school and we both started a different journey. I was surrounded by friends, yet strangers. Many a times when I sat alone, I hoped that you'll come to sit with me. We lost all contacts for two years, but those memories kept on swaying time and again. I had resolved to renew contact and I still remember writing my heart out in a mail hoping that you'll read it once. I made it to an engineering college and that very day I got your call. The course of our lives had changed but still we talked as if it was just yesterday that we last met. That day, I was proud of myself, I was proud of you and yes, I was proud of the relation we shared. Then began the quest of our meeting. After 4 long years, our roads converged and we finally met. Nothing had changed and then I got sure that it never will.

Those endless talks are now via the keyboard (I thank fb). The physical distance might have increased, but the emotional void has vanished. When people in my college talk about Harry Potter, I enter a flashback. (Nothing about Harry Potter has changed, but it has stopped amusing me now, without you). 
My eyes still long for your company, my ears for those grins,giggles and gossips. And my heart wants a time machine. For now, I just want to say
"Though miles may lie between us,
we are never far apart
For friendship doesn't count miles
It's measured by the heart"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tranquility trailing the Tempest

You may call it second birth or a week of suffering, reward or punishment, blessing or curse, normal or abnormal but yes,it changed the way i look at things and interpret life or perhaps I had a lot of time for introspection. When the sea is calm, quiet and placid for long, we start taking it for granted. I sensed that some turbulence was round the corner and was waiting for it to manifest. But what began as a series of small tides changed into a squall.The longing for rest and sleep changed into a necessity and the longing to be with my parents a compulsion. But yes, I learnt the biggest lesson(s) of my life.
No one loves you more than your parents-when you are in trouble, they are always the first to render you support and the first to wipe your tears. They love you whole heartedly and selflessly. It's just that we fail to realize this due to paucity of time. They leave no stone unturned just for your well being. You can never repay what they have done for you. Just keep them happy with a face free of frowns.After all they are messengers sent by god just for you. 
Nothing matters more than your health-Never ignore this gift given by god. It has the power to change your  life. Running after materialistic things, we fail to realize what we are missing on. Love yourself more than anyone or anything else. As far as you are okay, rest everything falls in place. Thank god for this asset and value it immensely.
Not everyone is your true friend. Some escalate the trouble, some alleviate it and some are not bothered. Everyone salutes the rising sun. You are immensely lucky if you have someone to give you ears when you need to speak. It's only when you are fading, you realize who's worthy of your support. 
Have a guru in life. He will guide you when you are lost. Just have faith in him. All pains and troubles will subside. And last but not the least, have immense faith in god. The belief that there is someone powerful who is ready to catch you when you fall makes you forget the trouble. Whatever he does is for your good in the long race of life.
Love yourself, love our life. Feel gratitude for what you have.You are very lucky indeed.