Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ways of the world

I sometimes really wonder, why didn't god create a loner. But then this fact I had learnt in school reminds me," Man is a social Animal". For all those who think why I'm blabbering about this, I recently had a realization (an eye opener, you may call it).No wonder, the course of our life, your actions depends a lot on the people around us, who influence us in 'not so few ways'. Right from the day when we venture in this world, we inherit the influence of our parents as your legacy. Then come our friends. From a piece of clay, we gradually get shaped into a sculpture, a lot similar to our existence today. But then are we really what we were made for??

The childlike innocence changes to hypocrisy, the sense of belonging changes to possessiveness, appreciation to envy, love to selfishness. Many a times, I sit and muse about the attitudes of people around me. And the people who are always there for you from womb to tomb are our 'parents'. It's perhaps the only relationship I can define as artless. But there is much more to life, beyond the vista of our home. No matter how much you do for others, 99% of them don't value it. But err a little, I ensure you, criticism will be round the corner. We are always taught, ours is a competitive world where only a few emerge as winners. 'Crush others to succeed' is a belief adhered by many. By such means, we may end up being successful in the eyes of others, but we fall in our own eyes, that too by leaps and bounds.
But then those, who don't follow this are termed weak and vulnerable, too innocent for the ways of the world. And then comes the transformation. (We always detest dissidents). So, we end up getting more people in the viscous circle, with an entry but no exit. It's 'kalyug' after all.

Certainly, all this is not the way to live life.Our universe is abundant, there is something great in store for everyone. Everything in nature is an epitome of abundance, magnificence and above all selflessness.And that's the reason for the perfect harmony it ushers. But we are always taught, there are limited resources, rush and toil if you want to succeed. Success doesn't mean winning at the cost of others, ruining your relationships for materialistic desires, faking many a things to achieve. It's not the destination but the journey that matters at the end. It's never wrong to aim high, but not at the cost of others. May be even we all can live in harmony, may be.....??

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stranded in the Seas

Imagine yourself in a boat. The squall is on with no hope for survival. You stand dejected amidst the sea waiting for a miracle, hoping in hindsight that a superhero shall make an entry to rescue you.
To experience this though, you need not go on a sea trip.The storm being tantamount to the never ending challenges and the superhero being god. It's believed that if god creates a problem, he gives you power to surmount it as well. For all atheists, it may sound pacifying but it does stand true.
When faced with the agony of circumstances, we lose our temperament, the hope that makes this life worthwhile. Everything in life is certainly not a bed of roses. But we are the curator of the garden of our life. "What you sow is what you reap", the well known adage fits in here. But what if we sow the plants and run away?No wonder, the blight of our asset will become certain. We need to regularly water the saplings, remove the pests and weeds, so that one fine day, they blossom and spread their fragrance all around. Same holds true with life. We sow our thoughts and dreams. But we need to work towards them diligently and protect them form wilting. Pests are nothing but challenges we face in life, and you can't always hope that a superhero will come to your rescue. 
You are the storehouse of all power god has endowed upon you and so you're your own savior, your very own 'superhero'.  It's this 'hope' that keeps the candle of our life burning.
Face the storms with fortitude, shed off your torpor, surmount your fears. Sail through the storms, the shore may not be far behind.

"Learn to defeat the defeat before the defeat defeats you".